Ultimate exercise for the day, and license renewal done....what more can i ask for since i've already got the privilege to stay alive and healthy?
since i've got so much leisure time, i've tried to re create the passion for seeking knowledge, this time on nutrition. i don't know why i am so attracted to this kind of knowledge, you know....but i think the realization of how many people are dead abruptly without any signs, and most of the cases involving chronic diseases that originates from food abusing practice...that's when i started that i've to, at least know whatever kind of food and nutrients got into my body. i don't want to be the person that suddenly diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, if that come true, it'll make sure that my life been stripped away from me.oh boy, i don't want to go down that part.....
when i've read an article titled "pemuda dan waktu lapang", i loved the content. and stumbled and laid my eyes on a formula stated there which is "pemuda + waktu kosong = awal maksiat". good sentences, went straight to my face andmade me decided i've to start again fulfill my leisure time with some beneficial. da la banyak dosa, pastu xreti2 nk tambah (heh).and another sentence i got which touched me was "I haven't seen a flaw more sad in the community than those who stop working even though they have the ability to continue." another wake up call for me.....so pretty please, i've to do something, selagi masa ada....
Monday, June 21, 2010
hopin n hopin n hopin....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
holy tutttttt.....
lama lak aih xbukak menda alah nih....xterpk amende nk taip....last post aku pon xperasan bile aku wat....
new exercise regime made me sweating a lot, and exhausting me more....but that's the price to pay for irregularities in food taking. i've set my food taking routine from eating whatever,whenever i want to the point of starvation, and that's not going to help boost my metabolism either. but i decide to use a lot of energy harvested through these food taking courses man, because you know, conversion of energy to fat will make anybody in the world looks ugly, no matter how beautiful you face is or how fairer you skin (for guys, we call it buncit, sound familiar? for the women, i thought on their buttocks and other two places, which I'm not sure enough).
my job is none, and still hoping to get one. i never want to lose hope you know, because that made me realized that when i doubt my fate, directly it means i'm losing my believe, hope and patience to our one and only ALLAH, and i don't want to be one. i prefer to take those pickings and criticizing......because that one is simply one of my character for the last, i don't know, maybe in the past 2 -3 years back.
feelings to my beloved friends, whether they already married or not, are still the same. guys, i don't want to rock the boat, but even though i maybe seem of an anti social type of person, i do treasure our nice and sweet moments together, guys and girls, men and women....and for those friends i already forgot, i'm sorry guys, i think my 'i-don't-care-much' attitude is the one to blame. but i hope we can reconnect, so that we can re-tie this friendship bond until our last day....
since i've got no job, don't know what to do, stumble across numerous websites posted on my facebook wall, i laid my eyes on one, on wasting-time. really hit me in my face (hahahaha), but i take it as a reality check for myself. i need to start gaining some knowledge again, hope that it will benefit me mostly, and other people indirectly.
i think my character has transformed bit by bit to be a self centered person, but i thinks that can help dealing with some issues i had, in the past, present or maybe the future.it does not hurt to take safer path...i guess...
till then...hope this blog will be my electronic diary...though it may made you heard it in a girly way, i don't care enough...hahaha
p/s : congratulations for my friends who already married, i look at the pictures you uploaded, and for sure, my compliments uttered as i saw them....
lama lak aih xbukak menda alah nih....xterpk amende nk taip....last post aku pon xperasan bile aku wat....
new exercise regime made me sweating a lot, and exhausting me more....but that's the price to pay for irregularities in food taking. i've set my food taking routine from eating whatever,whenever i want to the point of starvation, and that's not going to help boost my metabolism either. but i decide to use a lot of energy harvested through these food taking courses man, because you know, conversion of energy to fat will make anybody in the world looks ugly, no matter how beautiful you face is or how fairer you skin (for guys, we call it buncit, sound familiar? for the women, i thought on their buttocks and other two places, which I'm not sure enough).
my job is none, and still hoping to get one. i never want to lose hope you know, because that made me realized that when i doubt my fate, directly it means i'm losing my believe, hope and patience to our one and only ALLAH, and i don't want to be one. i prefer to take those pickings and criticizing......because that one is simply one of my character for the last, i don't know, maybe in the past 2 -3 years back.
feelings to my beloved friends, whether they already married or not, are still the same. guys, i don't want to rock the boat, but even though i maybe seem of an anti social type of person, i do treasure our nice and sweet moments together, guys and girls, men and women....and for those friends i already forgot, i'm sorry guys, i think my 'i-don't-care-much' attitude is the one to blame. but i hope we can reconnect, so that we can re-tie this friendship bond until our last day....
since i've got no job, don't know what to do, stumble across numerous websites posted on my facebook wall, i laid my eyes on one, on wasting-time. really hit me in my face (hahahaha), but i take it as a reality check for myself. i need to start gaining some knowledge again, hope that it will benefit me mostly, and other people indirectly.
i think my character has transformed bit by bit to be a self centered person, but i thinks that can help dealing with some issues i had, in the past, present or maybe the future.it does not hurt to take safer path...i guess...
till then...hope this blog will be my electronic diary...though it may made you heard it in a girly way, i don't care enough...hahaha
p/s : congratulations for my friends who already married, i look at the pictures you uploaded, and for sure, my compliments uttered as i saw them....
Friday, August 7, 2009
fed up, cuak...
da bape ari x menaip entri br...ari ni terase lak nk menaip...pape je la.
come on, we celebrate our national day for 51 years (and becoming 52 at the end of the month). we proud telling the whole world that Malaysia is a country that can preserve the peaceful condition even though we are consisted of many racial types. ah... such a bastard....
aku refresh blk library music dlm mp4 player aku... dgr2 blk lg yg ade dlm tuh. quite bosan sbenarnye dgr lagu2 dlm tu, padahal ade 300++ songs...even though it is sket compared to other people who collected their favourite songs reaching 15-20 gigabytes of their computer hard disc drives (seriously, what the hell, n since when did u start listening to music to collect that amount of songs library, or is it actually that u can absorb any kind of genres?).
sekali dgr blk lagu KAER - IZINKU PERGI. ahaha...leka jap lyn lagu tu, so searching for the VC by Youtube. Man, even though the song was released 2 years back (ya, it was a really popular one, can be considered "berhantu" by some people), by watching the VC, it really bring out my tears (hey, it juz a few drop la). dgr lagu besa2 je, tgk VC....ala, cibai la. xmacho sial. ahahahaha. but seriously i'm touched with the VC version of the song... since the love between two person was severed by death of the one party (i think it was the guy who was dead, since the appearance is quite like "ghost"). at the end, i realised that the statement of "manusia hanya leh merancang, ALLAH jua yg menentukan") is totally true, since we hv heard or watched this kind of misfortune happen to the people around us.
hey, this kind of song kinda remind me back about me who get dumped by the person i admire back in my intern period at practical company. hey, that was the 1st time i confess my feelings, damn. seriously, it hurts. bring me down to my knees, even made me cry. I repeat, I CRY. man, luckily as a muslim, we hv been thought about qada' n qadar, that bring me back to my senses man... to behave like a sane, normal person again. maybe that's why i prefer to be single for the time being. why? i don't wanna hurt again. i know i may sounds like jackass (ahahaha), but that is what describe me ( i can't tell people honestly about what i feel, i just worried what other may think).
pd aku VC dia smart...ade Indonesian culture
k la. chow. nk mkn. daaaaa.....
p/s : wei, H1N1 da msk 16 org da mati ni. takot sial. kat bp ade lak kes maut H1N1. ala, jgn la msk pontian. moga dilindungi ALLAH dr bencana dan wabak penyakit maut....amin.
becoming a blog writer simply awesome...ahahahha
ari2 bkk tv, asek2 cite nye kg. buah pala, kes mr.tan (ape full name tah, lupe r) yg mati kat pejabat sprm tuh, n demonstrasi kat kl ari tuh. alahai...korg xbosan ke ari2 dgr cite same? aku sampai da mls nk bc paper, even kat tenet pon. blk2 cite utama dia benda alah ni la. seb baik ade kosmo, quite balanced la dia nye interface tuh, for local n international events. cite2 dlm negara mmg da lama da aku bosan dgr...asek2 gado je. melayu la, hape la. we can becoming racist type people indirectly if ari2 dgr menda alah nih. mampu timbulkan semangat menyampah dgn kaum lain.... it is totally disgusting. come on, we built this country based on multiple races...y should we still suspecting other races credibilty? of coz we need to b careful...but in case like this, we train ourselves to become a paranoid person.come on, we celebrate our national day for 51 years (and becoming 52 at the end of the month). we proud telling the whole world that Malaysia is a country that can preserve the peaceful condition even though we are consisted of many racial types. ah... such a bastard....
aku refresh blk library music dlm mp4 player aku... dgr2 blk lg yg ade dlm tuh. quite bosan sbenarnye dgr lagu2 dlm tu, padahal ade 300++ songs...even though it is sket compared to other people who collected their favourite songs reaching 15-20 gigabytes of their computer hard disc drives (seriously, what the hell, n since when did u start listening to music to collect that amount of songs library, or is it actually that u can absorb any kind of genres?).
sekali dgr blk lagu KAER - IZINKU PERGI. ahaha...leka jap lyn lagu tu, so searching for the VC by Youtube. Man, even though the song was released 2 years back (ya, it was a really popular one, can be considered "berhantu" by some people), by watching the VC, it really bring out my tears (hey, it juz a few drop la). dgr lagu besa2 je, tgk VC....ala, cibai la. xmacho sial. ahahahaha. but seriously i'm touched with the VC version of the song... since the love between two person was severed by death of the one party (i think it was the guy who was dead, since the appearance is quite like "ghost"). at the end, i realised that the statement of "manusia hanya leh merancang, ALLAH jua yg menentukan") is totally true, since we hv heard or watched this kind of misfortune happen to the people around us.
very nice VC, but that melancholic tone really saddens me...man
hey, this kind of song kinda remind me back about me who get dumped by the person i admire back in my intern period at practical company. hey, that was the 1st time i confess my feelings, damn. seriously, it hurts. bring me down to my knees, even made me cry. I repeat, I CRY. man, luckily as a muslim, we hv been thought about qada' n qadar, that bring me back to my senses man... to behave like a sane, normal person again. maybe that's why i prefer to be single for the time being. why? i don't wanna hurt again. i know i may sounds like jackass (ahahaha), but that is what describe me ( i can't tell people honestly about what i feel, i just worried what other may think).
yup...that is me, back in a year...
besides kaer's song, i also downloaded Alyah's song (Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang kot tajuk dia, again VC through Youtube). nk memenohkan mp4 tu nye pasal. nk harapkan lg mmg bole nk penohkan, tp gila susah plak aku nk search lg. so, aku reserved kan dlm 1-2 gigs for the VC. So, at least leh enjoy the clips instead of mp3s library. lgpon da nk gi perlis nih, ade gak entertainment dlm bas nanti.pd aku VC dia smart...ade Indonesian culture
k la. chow. nk mkn. daaaaa.....
p/s : wei, H1N1 da msk 16 org da mati ni. takot sial. kat bp ade lak kes maut H1N1. ala, jgn la msk pontian. moga dilindungi ALLAH dr bencana dan wabak penyakit maut....amin.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
beat it, no one want to be defeated...
peh...bgn lambat lg la ari ni. da kunci jam, nk bgn kol 9. suda nye gi off plak alarm enset tu. aaaa....alamat nye cam konpem aku test jpj ms puase. lantak la, asal test suda. lgpon duit br dpt ptg td. sok je la setelkan, bio le.
ahahaha...ni la enset aku
bgn tdo, bkk PC jap. bc la pape yg patot. kat berita harian, mak allahyarhamah (ni xpasti) yasmin ade wat kenyataan mengatakan anaknye itu dilahirkan sebagai wanita, membesar sbg wanita and menyahut seruan Ilahi pon dlm keadaannye yg wanita. ye la, KOSMO ade siarkan berita pasal biografi allahyarhamah, dr ms keciknye hingga la ke akhir hayat dia (mksdnye cam transformasi yasmin dr seorg lelaki kpd wanita). marah si marina mahathir, mengatakan KOSMO membuka aibnye selepas yasmin sudah meninggal dunia. ye la, KOSMO boleh disalahkan atas sebab menjaga aib si mati. tp aku pk, ape masyarakat kite pk psl khunsa? (xmerujuk kepada allahyarhamah, sbg rujukan je). adekah org kite, bile disebut khunsa tu, cam dgr alien yg mendarat kat bumi, yg dijalankan ujikaji pdnye? pd aku, skrg kan informasi da melambak2 da, ape la yg pelik kalo ade khunsa dlm msrakat, kan? ke sbb diorang ade 2 kemaluan tuh, kita rs benda tu mengaibkan? kalo camtu, suma org la aib. anta resume keje, org bace, "ooo dia ni lelaki, mesti ade tut kan? ahahaha...". lek2 suda, tp kena la berpk secare terbuka kan....ini miss universe nye contest ko suh open minded... Allah cipta org tu khunsa xleh lak ko open minded kan? sekian dimaklumkan.....
pondan ni mmg lain hal kalo nk dicemuh....
nih betol ke alien nih?
xpe, "world" nye pasal...ahahaha
ptg td turun jap, menyapu lg laman umah. ari ni menyapu dpn umah, lg seksa. ye la, kat laman depan pokok sena ade 2 batang. 2 2 lak besar 1 pemeluk setengah. bygkan la bape byk daun dia. kalo yg gugur tu, da leh tutup satu court futsal aku rs. tp bila sapu2, da kumpulkan tu kan, "eh, sket plk?" aku ckp. ilusi optik la aku rs. ahahaha....dpn rumah pon leh wat street magic ok. xyah nk tunggu david blaine terpacak dpn gate umah.... daun kering sudah. besa la, da kumpol2, open fire lak. dpn umah ade balai polis... gi la mampos. tp sambil2 bakar tu dok gak depan tmpt bakar tu, kalo ade polis kuar igt nk padamkan.
da setel, naik umah. wat pumping. haaa...ari ni konon2 konsisten la. semlm da stat, ari ni sambung. ahahaha. aku akan berusaha until lemak2 di perut ini terbakar sempurna sperti badan oliver queen dlm smallville... nantikan. ahahaha.
aku try gak wat yg ni, sudanye seminggu saket belakang...ahahaha
ni la oliver queen in smallville....
k...nk tgk smallville la kat tv. kat pc da de sampai season 8, tp sedap lak tgk kat tv3 tu. mungkin sbb ade selingan iklan kot.
p/s : aku tersangkut lak ngan lagu MJ "Beat It". walaupon vclipnye nmpk cam gay sket (ni aku tiru ayat utube "the gayest video i've ever seen). ahaha..mmg la bkn gay, tp yg part dia pgng pisau pastu dance tu yg cam hanjeng tuh. tp MJ nye dance....superb. macho bergaya beb.
Abang MJ mmg terbaekk la..king of pop
Saturday, August 1, 2009
ari ni igt nk gi driving school, abeskan payment. so, arap2 dpt la test jpj next week. sudanye bgn kol 10.30. wtf.... suda nye aku ckp sok je la pegi. rsnye cam same je kot. ahahaha. bkn pe, next next week (betol ke ni?) aku da nk gi perlis. kalo xtest next week, alamat tyme puase la aku test. skang tgh musim panas. senang aje org hot (naik angin) xpasal2. hopefully sok ade jwpn la, so aku leh decide which one yg termudah ( da xde yg terbaik da, lambat sgt planning). kalo da kene time pose, time pose pon time pose la test. ape nk wat....
ape brg tdo awal...kan? ahahaha (kalo da keja sok, xtau la kang)
bosan gile dok umah ari nih. dok mengadap pc 2 jam je, pastu rs da cam bosan sgt. so, dgn ringan tulang nye aku bersihkan laman belakang umah ptg td. bole la kuar peloh skt. tp xpenat, peloh pon xbyk kuar. aiseh, bajet nk bg basah lencun baek nye, sudanye ade la bekas2 peluh kat baju, xmeleleh pon. frust gak, tp xkesa la. puas ati gak tgk laman tu agak bersih. siap bakar lg (open fire, ahahaha). kalo kena saman xpasal2 buang duit. ala, laman belakang umah, org depan nmpk asap je. api xnmpk, kan2?
keadaan rumah sy seblom saya bersihkan...
semasa saya bakar daun kering...
lihat la hasilnye...ahahaha
aku igt nk mula wat pumping la tiap2 ari, bg tgn kuat sket. tgn xkuat, kalo main badminton tu pukul mmg slow. tp tu la, pk2 larat ke nk wat ari2? ahahaha...kalo seminggu pon payah sekali nk wat, nk bg konsisten ari2 tu yg masyuk tu nk wat...ahaha.
setakat 5-6 kilo, da xrs la...org da stat main 100++ kilo da...
ari ni kecoh area2 kl sana, demo yg menyebabkan warga kota naik angin xmemsl. xmemsl fesbuk pon penuh ngan komen2 "tlg la jgn nk demo ke ape ke, xpasal2 aku pon kena sembur". ahahaha. sabar la ye. aku xsokong, bangkang pon x bende nih. ade yg salahnye, ade yg betolnye. tp consequences nye mmg buatkan byk org uncomfortable to deal wit da suituation. ye la, even kalo da selalu bersesak2 dlm jam...panas ati gak kan kalo jln tgh jem? (amende nih...ahaha).
k la. ari ni nk try tdo awal sket. sok nk gi driving school settle up payments tuh... bye.
since clock can get to bed early, i will not...
p/s : perot aku saket r...eh...bhg abdomen. ha, abdomen. aku rs six pack aku nk kuar la. ahahaha...
badan aku jd camni la xlama lg...betol!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
hari yg besa2...
well...bgn2 je tau MU kalah...aku agak jem la. surf soccernet, ckp MU kalah penalti...6-7. ok la..bangsat2 pon xbolos time full time.
ptg td kuar jap cr blazer. nk pakai time grad kang. budle sudey, RM25. ahahaha, aku rimas la pakai smat2 nih. nk wat cane, protokol universiti kan. xikot kang, mau raja muda perlis tu mengamok kang. mana tau dia xbg aku msk perlis lg, kan susah. da la perlis je ade padang besar, tmpt lain mane de. lepas ni mmg susah siot nk gi situ. tp aku aim 5 taun sekali la pegi. borong sekali byk2 one shot, pastu pakai sampai jahanam. gi naik bas sudey. tmbang pon skang da RM70. seb baik xnaik lg...
chow dulu r. nk gi sambung mkn la. pekena roti canai xcukup plak.
p / s: member2 ajak wat reunion, so antara cdgn soh aku jd planner. ahahaha...aku pk aku mmg unreliable da. xpenah siot manage2 event yg cani, even yg kecik2 pon. tp look forward to see u guys soon...
ye la ye la...ko bwk la blk piala tu... wat rendam daun bawang ye....
login facebook..tgk2 friend list n gambar yg aku upload (gmbr time matrix tu)... tgk ramai da yg suda jd friend aku kat facebook. still ade la bape org lg yg xdiketahui statusnye, tp xpe. still bleh dicr. insyaAllah selagi idop, dok la mana pon, dpt gak jumpa kendian hari. siap wat new group tu semlm, 4 ex classmate time matrix. saje je, 4 knowing what they are up to 4 now, n who knows... satu ari ade la bleh mintak2 tlg ke kan(ahahaha). tp mmg quest aku 4 cr kwn2, even dr sekola rendah still goes on, even though not everyday la kan. tp at least effort yg aku wat, aku rs berbaloi la. ye la, aku plak kan jenis susah nk campur, so kwn2 yg pernah ade tu, kalo bleh dikekalkan la. xrapat pon xkesah, asal penah jd kwn aku, hope so i'll try to appreciate fully 4 their existence dlm idop aku.ptg td kuar jap cr blazer. nk pakai time grad kang. budle sudey, RM25. ahahaha, aku rimas la pakai smat2 nih. nk wat cane, protokol universiti kan. xikot kang, mau raja muda perlis tu mengamok kang. mana tau dia xbg aku msk perlis lg, kan susah. da la perlis je ade padang besar, tmpt lain mane de. lepas ni mmg susah siot nk gi situ. tp aku aim 5 taun sekali la pegi. borong sekali byk2 one shot, pastu pakai sampai jahanam. gi naik bas sudey. tmbang pon skang da RM70. seb baik xnaik lg...
amacam? macho x wa? ahahahaha....
girls @ woman pon pon smart gak pakai blanzers (ahahaha,sengaja nih)
inner part of megalopolis Padang Besar, Perlis
girls @ woman pon pon smart gak pakai blanzers (ahahaha,sengaja nih)
inner part of megalopolis Padang Besar, Perlis
blk2 dr bandar, tgk tv. try lyn ciite "Nur Kasih" tuh. sekali berbelit2 la plot dia. xtgk dr awal, mmg agak pening la nk follow. aku jd fan Sharifah Sofia kat fesbuk, so ade la weekly update yg terpost kat wall aku. so, try la tgk, sudanye xphm. ape2 je la hai, time dok umah ni try je lyn sume. da keje kang aku xtau lak cane. planning mcm2 wat..kejenye lom lg. ahahaha. besa la, lelaki kan.
Kisah cinta dan pengorbanan (tagline cite nih)
p / s: member2 ajak wat reunion, so antara cdgn soh aku jd planner. ahahaha...aku pk aku mmg unreliable da. xpenah siot manage2 event yg cani, even yg kecik2 pon. tp look forward to see u guys soon...
kalo rs2 aku awat movie "The Gathering", ade org nk tgk ke?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
pagi yg terang...
ari ni bermula dgn cukup baik pd aku.. pesal? tah, psl MU kot. MU menang mlm td..yeah. 2-1.. ok la, lwn ngn boca juniors. anderson ngan valencia dpt score. yeah... valencia score ms debut pulak tu...mmg terbaeeek.
1st goal, anderson. free kick smart dowh... kena crossbar pastu msk....
ahahaha...muke puas ati dpt score....3 taun dok MU br score sebijik...cam hrm nye record
aku nk gi tgk game ni mlm td... si paez ckp astro ade amek. turun kat bwh, gi maple dekat ngan umah aku tu. dia pasang cite melayu yg drift tu (ala...yg ade awal ngan fasha sanda berlakon tu). mencarut aku tgh2 mlm. penat jek turun... ahahaha. suda nye blk ngan perasaan hampa, terus tdo sampai kol 6.45. bangsat gila perangai aku subuh kol 6.45.....
semayang jage ek kekwn...kalo xsemayang subuh... jd cilake la hari anda tuh
gi driving scool, ari ni last beb. nk genapkan 9 jam. tp belom abes bayar lg. kena tunggu bpk aku bg duit la(aku mana de duit skang nih nk byr... ahahaha), br leh book bile nk wat test. ari ni lain sket feel bwk keta. ok la....sekali je mati kat jln. salah belen minyak ngan klac. aku jem gak nk belen kan mende alah 2 ekor nih... takot2 ms test aku fail psl 2 bende ni je. arap2 xla. mahal dowh... kena RM 785. kena repeat, plus 100 lg. xmemasal buang duit. baik bg aku 100 tu wat enjoy kat pdg besar kang.... byk bende nk beli nih.
ni la kete yg aku gune ms belajar.... (aku nk tgk sape yg leh caye) ahahaha
aku br di 'link' oleh member aku, si haliza (amende nick dia, halyzaqiut kot). xphm aku ape fungsi mende alah tuh... sam ke ngan yg org tag2 blog tu? ke sama cam fesbuk? aaaa... nanti2 la phmkan. aku nk update entri ari2 pon pening kepala nk taip ape dlm nih...ahahaha.
london, paris, new york... tu tagline iklan ape r?
selalu aku suke taip entri blog time mlm...dekat2 kol 12 tu aku taip. pesal? ye la...conclusion 4 da day la kekonon. ahahhaa....padahal kol 2.30 lepas tu br aku tdo. ye la...kata 'bloggers block' kena la cr idea ape nk dinukilkan dlm ni, kan? tp ari ni de exception sket. saje je, excited. MU menang. yeah....xdpt tg pon berbaloi gak. asal menang cukop la. kate true die-hard fan MU.
K, nk bla. nk tgk LALOLA.
yes...debut + score = winning team "ANTONIO VALENCIA"
p/s : aku rs blog aku ni da jd blog unofficial 4 MU la... penoh gambar player MU je. xpe. nih bermusim je nih. kang normal la blk.
ahahaha...jambu sial berbatov....ni gambar taun bile nih...
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